
The Tampa Bay International Christian Church (TBICC) is a non-denominational church that is part of the International Christian Churches and a member of the SoldOut Discipling Movement. We are committed to living according to the teachings of Jesus Christ as found in the Bible! We expect every member to live as a disciple based on teachings found throughout the Bible, which God inspired and inerrant. We are built on the revolutionary but Biblical conviction that every person must decide to become a disciple and then be baptized. We are part of an international movement spreading to all nations, calling everyone to seek a meaningful, vibrant relationship with God!

We Are A Bible Church, Not Simply A New Testament Church

We believe the Old Testament applies to our lives as much as the New Testament, except for the Mosaic Law and any teaching in the New Testament that supersedes the Old Testament.

“Be Silent Where The Bible Speaks, And Speak Where The Bible Is Silent”

We believe we must obey God’s Word to apply scriptural principles to God’s church. But where the Bible does not prohibit a practice or name, we are free to use our God-given creativity.

Discipling Is A Command Of God And Not Optional

We believe that discipling is teaching obedience to scripture that later matures into a peer to peer relationship after baptism. Discipling involves loving one another, instructing one another, confessing sins to one another, and praying for one another.

A Central Leadership With A Central Leader

We believe that throughout God’s Word, His people were unified under a strong central leadership and a godly central leader. Structured after the New Testament, local congregations have overseeing evangelists that are unified under a collective governing movement.

The Dream Of The Evangelization Of The Nations In This Generation

We believe that if the world was evangelized in the first century, we can do it again in the twenty-first century through every disciple making disciples, and every disciple having a discipling relationship.


Malik & Natalie Speckman

The Speckmans have been actively involved in New York, Philadelphia, Miami, and New Delhi to foster spiritual growth, community building, and discipleship. Their passion for outreach and leadership development has allowed them to make a meaningful impact in diverse cultural and urban settings.

Contact Us

Stay connected about events such as Sunday Services, Bible Talks, Midweeks, & Devotionals or schedule a personal Bible study to learn more!


we express honor, gratitude, awe, humility and brokenness before God as Our walk with him should be a daily and consistent focus [1]


we believe holiness is More than just avoiding sin & should Also focus on having a hunger for righteousness as Jesus must be the Lord of our lives [2]


Our commitment is to love, forgive, encourage, serve, lay down our lives, and to share our possessions and our hearts with each other [3]


We recognize the biblical mandate to help each other grow After Baptism Through accountability, biblical advice, and group prayer [4]


We Demonstrate a servant-heart of sacrifice by showing concern for others and ministering to their needs, Having a willingness to give up time and money [5]


We are committed to testify the good news that Jesus is our Lord and Savior through Personal Interactions, small groups, and Larger meetings [6]


We are committed to making a difference in our world around us, Making an Influence Through Volunteering & Generosity [7]

There is one true God…

who reveals himself to the world as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit [1]

A person is saved by the grace of God and the blood of christ…

So they must, through faith and obedience, reach out to receive this free gift of salvation [2]

Jesus is the Son of God and our only lord and savior…

crucified for our sins and physically resurrected from the dead on the third day [3]

When a person repents and is baptized…

their sins are forgiven and the Holy Spirit begins to work in their life [4]

The Bible is the only written message of God…

inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error [5]

Only baptized disciples

are members of Christ’s church [6]

Every Christian needs to be discipled…

Which is to be taught & Called to obey the Scriptures by other Christians Before & after they are baptized [7]

Every disciple must be committed To World Evangelism…

by making disciples of every nation in this generation [8]